Imitation hedges are very common in our daily life, there are many suppliers selling artificial hedges, excellent and defective ones are all there for you to choose from. Among all quality of imitation hedges, UV protection is one important factor that decides the hedges service time, for a new comer in this industry, how to recognize UV protected imitation hedges from those ordinary hedges without UV protection?
1) Test by environmental protection department.
Usually, artificial hedges are sent to SGS for test, the test result will tell whether the imitation hedges are UV protected or not. The quality of those imitation hedges tested by environmental department is always much more excellent and guaranteed.
Usually, artificial hedges are sent to SGS for test, the test result will tell whether the imitation hedges are UV protected or not. The quality of those imitation hedges tested by environmental department is always much more excellent and guaranteed.
2) Time test.
The imitation hedges with UV protection will not fade easily, for those UV protected fake hedges can keep its color for at least 1 year without fading.
The imitation hedges with UV protection will not fade easily, for those UV protected fake hedges can keep its color for at least 1 year without fading.